Today I’m incredibly proud to present to you the AirGhandi gun care products! The past weeks were full of hard work, arrangements, and decisions for Adrian Ostermayer and all the other people involved in the production and design of the products. Now the products are finished and can be ordered!
Why are there AirGhandi gun care products?
Anyone who follows me and my activities on my website, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook knows that I’m very serious about what I do.
For over five years, I’ve been putting all my energy and free time into showcasing our great hobby. I help you with words and deeds. About half a year ago, I decided to turn my hobby into a full-time job. This will be the case as of February 1, 2021. I’ll put 100% of my time into my project “AirGhandi”. Of course, just like you, I have to somehow manage to feed my family.
One mainstay of this is my own brand which should bring a euro or two into my household budget.
When it comes to my own brand in particular, I set the highest standards and the highest quality for myself and the products. I have carefully built up the name AirGhandi over the last few years. The most important factors were reliability, honesty and a desire to deliver the highest possible quality. In addition to my pellets, which have already found many fans, I’ve now been given the opportunity to sell high-quality gun care products with my name on them.
The quality of AirGhand’s gun care products
Durability, economic use, and carefully selected ingredients allow for a high quality to maintain your guns. All decisions made in manufacturing were not made according to economic or time-efficient standards. Only the quality of the products and the satisfaction of the users were the basis for our actions and decisions.
The AirGhandi gun care products are not cheap. I know that.
But I’m sure your favorite guns weren’t either. Even if they may not have a high material value, they have an ideal value for you, which must be preserved in the best possible way. No one wants to be upset in 20 years about having saved 20 euros and having a gun that looks rusty, gray and worn out.
Wood and metal must be protected
While many gun care products on the market are suitable for wood care of parquet floors or furniture, they are not suitable for high-quality stocks.
AirGhandi gun care products are specially designed for pistols, rifles and hunting rifles. They meet the highest requirements.
HERE you will find all gun care products with all their advantages.
In the video about the AirGhandi gun care products, Adrian Ostermayer, who came over from Switzerland just for this video, answers all questions.

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If you have any questions after watching the video, please just leave a comment below this post. Of course, we’ll answer them all.
Thank you very much for reading and now I wish you a good start into the year 2021!
Please stay healthy and continue to visit my blog!
For the year 2021, I’ve already found lots of exciting topics regarding our great hobby and our amazing sport. I will show them to you one by one.
Best wishes!
Yours, Andi
Interesting links:
You can order my gun care products and my pellets HERE.
HERE you will find more informations about AirGhandi’s gun care products.
Do you already know my international YouTube channel? HERE you will find videos of more powerful air rifles in English.