Saber Tactical offers many great upgrades for various air rifles on the market. I have already tested many of these parts.
My plan was to upgrade my FX Impact M3 with all available parts.
The result is an absolute beast. I will now present it to you step by step.
Saber Tactical Cheek Riser
The relatively rigid shape of FX Impact M3 allows virtually no adjustments to the shooter. For this reason, Saber Tactical has developed the Cheek Riser. It’s attached between the cheek rest and the stock. Once you have installed it, you can adjust the cheek rest to your liking by using two screws. An incredibly practical and useful item.
Adjustable Buttstock
In addition to the Cheek Riser, the adjustment of the buttstock to one’s preferences is particularly important. Here, too, Impact M3 doesn’t offer any options at all. The Saber Tactical Buttstock can be adjusted in length without tools. Only two screws need to be loosened. Then, by pressing a small lever, you can adjust it in seconds. The angle of the rubberized buttstock itself can then be adjusted in 5 positions. This way you can comfortably rest the rifle on your shoulder. In terms of comfort when shooting, this is an enormous step forward.
Saber Tactical FX Impact Bag Rider
I assume that virtually all FX Impact M3 shooters will use the gun for benchrest shooting, because that’s what it was designed for. Since the rifle has virtually no bearing surface on the buttstock, Saber Tactical designed the Bag Rider. It’s angled and designed to place your Impact on a sandbag. The attachment of the Bag Rider is incredibly simple and the advantage for the shooter is enormous.
Saber Tactical Monopod Bench Rest
For those who don’t want to install a Bag Rider, but want to approach benchrest shooting more professionally, Saber Tactical offers a Monopod. The Monopod is attached to the very back of the stock. It complements the bipod and thus gives the rifle the ultimate stand.
In addition, two high-quality wheels allow the rifle to be adjusted laterally and in height with a precision of millimeters.
FX Impact Extended Picatinny Rail
FX Impact M3 offers the shooter the option to attach a bipod to a short Picatinny Rail. It’s relatively close to the trigger. This makes the smallest movements of the hand quite noticeable when changing the aiming point. For someone who wants to quickly fire at widely spaced targets one after the other, this is great. However, for anyone who wants to hit small targets that are close together, this is impractical.
The Rail allows the bipod to be mounted much further towards the end of the barrel. This means that moving the hand doesn’t affect the aim too much and you can aim much more finely.
Saber Tactical TRS Rail
The latest tuning part from Saber Tactical is the TRS Rail. There’re two versions available: TRS Compact and TRS Standard. TRS Compact is, as the name suggests, for the shorter version of FX Impact M3. The Impact M3 model approved in Germany by GoGun requires exactly this TRS Compact Rail.
The longer Impact M3 models, on the other hand, use the TRS Standard Rail.
TRS Rail is basically for extending the Impact’s standard upper Picatinny rail. This gives you the option to mount your scope or other accessories closer to the front. In addition, the rail offers the possibility of attaching further accessories to the MLOK slots located on the side.
In addition, TRS rail adds a lot more visual massiveness to the gun.
What else have I added?
On my demo gun, I also mounted the Accu-Tac WB-04 bipod. You can get this, of course, as well as all the other products mentioned above, at
The silencer is DonnyFL’s FatBoy. I equipped it with the Extender and the Muzzle Brake. My desired rifle was then complete.
Those of you who don’t like the futuristic look of FatBoy can of course get the entire range of DonnyFL silencers in our online store.
The scope mount is Sportsmatch UK’s ATP72. Extremely high-quality, extremely reliable.
My conclusion
Air rifles, like so many things, are a matter of taste.
Classic shooters will hardly find any appeal in the futuristic look of Saber Tactical Impact M3.
I, on the other hand, have to say that I like the look of the rifle outstandingly well. Ok, it doesn’t look like an air rifle anymore… but that doesn’t matter 😉

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How do you like the rifle? Do you like the tactical look or are you a fan of classic stocks?
I’m eager to hear your opinions.
Thank you for your visiting my blog!
See you next week!
Yours, Andi
2 thoughts on “FX Impact M3 Saber Tactical”
i want by this gun,you send in croatia?
No sorry 🙁 We only ship to germany.
Best regards!