I’m testing Weihrauch HW85!

Once again, I managed to get an air rifle that I haven’t held or shot before. Today I have a Weihrauch HW85 for you. I found only a few posts on the Internet and practically no German-language videos on YouTube. I guess HW85 hasn’t made a big appearance on the shooters’ and gun reviewers’ radar yet. It’s time to change that! You will certainly confirm that it’s worth taking a closer look at it after reading this review.

The setup for today’s test

Today I tested a brand-new riflescope. The Hawke Airmax 30 WA SF 10×44. The scope is extremely precise and the illuminated AMX reticle is very fine. I will test it again separately at some point.

I used a Sportsmatch UK ATP61 mount. In my tutorial on mounting and sighting in scopes, I also explain, among other things, the advantages of using a height-adjustable mount.

As always with Weihrauch air rifles, the pellets used are the AirGhandi’s Finest.

Of course, you can get all these products in my store www.jabolo.de!

Technical specifications of Weihrauch HW85

When I opened the box, I found a neatly packed air rifle that was quite long. At 45.8” (116.5 cm), HW85 is one of the largest Weihrauch Sport break-barrel air rifles. It is also available as HW85 K with a 16.1” (41 cm) barrel. Then the rifle is a bit more compact. However, I have the normal version with the 19.6” (50 cm) rifled barrel. At 7.7 lbs. (3.5 kg), the rifle is 0.66 lbs. (300 g) lighter and slimmer than, for example, Weihrauch HW35.

The trigger is the well-known Weihrauch match trigger Rekord. As usual, it’s excellently preadjusted. You really have to compliment the company Weihrauch on this. Nothing is left to chance here, and the fun with the new rifle begins the moment you open the box.

In the box, in addition to the instruction manual, are also four front sight inserts that can be attached to the front sight tunnel of the open sight. However, I personally like the one installed by default the best. The rear sight has four rear sight blades and is of course fully adjustable. This gives you the great opportunity to choose exactly the combination of rear sight and front sight that you like best.

If you don’t want to shoot the rifle using the open sights, you have the option of attaching a scope to the 11mm prism rail. The long system also allows you to attach longer scopes without getting problems from protruding optics when loading.

Shooting with Weihrauch HW85

The air rifle feels great in the hand. When you cock the barrel, you can load a pellet in caliber .177 (4.5mm). Returning the barrel, just like cocking, doesn’t make any noise and is completely scratch-free.

Now you just need to disable the automatic safety. It activated during the cocking process.

The shooting performance of Weihrauch HW85 is outstandingly good. The rifle feels great when holding it in a shooting position and the recoil is extremely low. Lower than, for example, Weihrauch HW35. HW85 also isn’t sensitive when it comes to holding it. The artillery hold worked out great for me.

I immediately felt comfortable with it and was able to get a better result than with Weihrauch HW95 or HW98, for example.

Thanks to the checkering on the grip, HW85 fits well in the hand when shooting. The walnut finished stock is slim and the rubberized buttplate rests comfortably on the shoulder.

My conclusion of Weihrauch HW85

You notice it from the beginning! Here you have quality Made in Germany in your hand. Whether the cocking, the trigger, the processing of the stock, nothing is missing here! If you take proper care of the rifle, it will surely outlive you!

The shooting performance is excellent! HW85 makes it quite easy to achieve good results.

In my opinion, there are too few videos and reviews so far. I hope that one or the other shooter will put the rifle in their gun cabinet and then leave me feedback here under the review.

I could totally understand it!

Do you have a Weihrauch air rifle in your gun cabinet?

Thank you for reading!

Best wishes!

Yours, Andi

more pictures

Technical data

  • Total length: 45.86” (116.5 cm)
  • Barrel length: 19.68” (50 cm)
  • Weight: 7.7 lbs. (3.5 kg)
  • Caliber: .177 (4.5 mm) pellets
  • Trigger: match trigger Rekord
  • Safety: automatic
  • Mounting rail: 11 mm prism rail
  • Adjustable micrometer sight and closed front sight tunnel
  • Velocity: 648 mph (290 m/s)


My conclusion

What I like:

Slim design, very low recoil

What I don’t like:

HW85 K would be a bit handier



Recommended for:

recreational shooters, plinkers


approx. 399 €


Here I test the precision at a distance of 11m while the gun sits on a gun rest. The more stars, the better the precision.


Handling is the overall rating of how the rifle can be handled by the shooter. This includes transport, cocking and loading the rifle, handling in prone, kneeling, and standing positions as well as weight and recoil.

Material / Processing:

The materials used and their processing are evaluated here.


The price is approximate and can of course vary depending on the model.

7 thoughts on “Weihrauch HW85 – My test and review”

  1. Hello, great review!
    Is the spring the same as on the hw 95?
    I have the impression that spare parts are difficult to find, unless they are the same as the HW 95…
    There are not many reviews on this rifle so a big thank you

  2. Beautiful review and video! It’s not surprising the rifle exhibits low recoil/shoots easier than HW95. It’s shooting 11.5J under spec (20J per Krale)— very close to an HW30. Did you detune it?

    Thanks for doing this! Very few reviews of this rifle.

    1. Hey Jeff,
      in germany most of the people are only allowed to shoot 7,5J. If you want to shoot stronger rifles, you need a special Permission (WBK) for it. I have this, but i think 95% of the germans who are shooting don´t have it.
      So i show lots of rifles with 7,5J Power 🙂
      thanks for watching my video!
      Best regards!

    1. Hello John,
      I’m having a hard time right now comparing the two off the top of my head. Unfortunately I have to pass. I hope you are not angry with me.
      Many greetings

  3. HW85 really is great classic spring piston rifle, it is probably impossible to make it better than Weihrauch did. Open sights are great, as is 50cm barrel offering great balancing, very effective action and cycling, trigger, materials chosen…everything. I haven’t found that one thing here that would bother me as is the case with any other airgun i tried, Weihrauch is that good.
    I’m used to shoot with straight bottom of the stock forearm, it just takes some time to get used to it. This rifle is like Mercedes of airguns; closing the barrel, squeezing trigger and feeling smooth action shows this quality right away. It came well lubricated, i redone it only after several thousand shots. Another good thing here is ease of disassembly and maintenance. Finish is very good too, a little care with Ballistol like products will keep it in pristine condition without any rust.
    Go for it if you are into shooting open sights or diopters, in my experience shorter barrel on HW95 works better with scopes and higher power.

    1. Hey Mick,
      thanks a lot for your visit and your great comment! I can see, that you now a lot about that airrifle.
      Hope you like my website and will come back sometimes. There will be lots of english reviews in the future.
      Wish you and your family merry christmas!
      Best regards!

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